Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Here is how you can pray

Yesterday I visited with the family of the gentleman I last posted about. As of now, he remains in the ICU in a coma. They were meeting together as a family to decide what to do. Basically they were given the option of having him on a feeding tube and with a trach in a nursing home indefinitely or taking him off of life support. That's a decision no one should have to make. Please pray for the Daniels family. Suzie (his wife) is such a sweet woman and is being so brave and strong. Pray for strength for her in the next several days. I can only imagine her pain. It was an honor to sit and hold her and cry together. I wish I could have known her husband; she only had wonderful things to say about him.

Today, we received some disheartening news. Our adoption agency sent us an email telling us it was "highly unlikely" that we would get our referral in time to bring Ellie home. I cannot begin to tell you how hard that was to read! But let me say this: we are not giving up. We are leaving our dossier in Vietnam until the last possible minute, expecting God to answer our prayers for our little girl. He may choose not to, we know. As I have said before, if that happens, He is still God, and we will still praise him.

Your prayers are vital to us. They strengthen us and encourage us, and well... we could use that right about now.


  1. As we are told, life will be many tests. This is a test. I believe with my heart & sole, God is going to do what He wants done, and I have the faith that He is going to send Ellie home to you, Jeff & Bryan. He knows that she needs you as much as you all need her. Prosser family, you keep the faith, keep your dossier there in Nam...for He is watching over it and special things are sure to come! It is just a test! Man-made too!! They come in all forms....but the ultimate is from God. Hope I make sense....tired...but wanted you to know you have our prayers, and we can't wait either, for her to come home! I am saving my smooches for her little cheeks!

    The Curry's-Vicki & Larry

  2. we are still praying right with you. Cora says "jesus, help Ellie come home soon." We are still trusting that God is preparing Ellie and your familiy for each other and are not giving up on her coming from Vietnam.

    Those that wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not be faint.

    We love you and continue to pray.

    p.s. Cora was just looking at your family picture with me on your blog and she said "Bryan, c'mere. See me."
