Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Our house is looking a bit different these days. This weekend was a whirlwind of home improvement, and we had a blast!

On Friday, Jeff and I started painting Ellie's room in preparation for bringing her home. I have to say that when that pink paint went on the walls, I got all teary-eyed. WOW.. I never thought I would be doing that! God is so good...

Saturday, we finished up her room, and decided while we were at it, we should go ahead and do some things in Bryan's room as well. I won't keep you waiting any longer. Here are the pics.

Never thought I would need pink paint....

Just making sure that I liked the color

The dresser, obviously. Horton is hanging out in there too!

headboard and cute lamp from Nana. There will be a lime green chair rail in between the pink and white eventually.

My favorite part of the room. So true... she is most definitely a miracle!

Bryan's "beastly" drumset (his words!), and the newly added stripe on the wall. Very teenage-ish, huh?

Drum heads from Bryan's first set (spells p-u-n-k), two authentic samurai swords, and some old skateboards... very cool!


  1. I love the room and the wording looks great on the wall. Can't wait until it's completely finished with our little girl in it. And Bryan's room looks just like Bryan. It's fantastic! I sure don't like to think that he's already a teenager but guess we'll have to face it in a few more days. We had a wonderful weekend with you all. Love ya.....Mom/Dad

  2. Great rooms! Bryan's room is so boy and well done.

    I can hardly wait to see the finished product on Ellie's room. We were going to keep the nursery neutral, like when Jazz was a baby. But having a little girl made my husband to all out on the pink paint!! I am soooooooooooo happy for you!!

  3. Thanks so much! I understand about the pink. I NEVER wanted pink when I was pregnant with Bryan (we didn't know he was a boy)> the thought just never crossed my mind. But now.. oh I love it alL!!

  4. I love Ellie's room!! Now you just need a pic with her in it!
