Saturday, March 8, 2008

For Jeff...

I miss my husband.

Many of you know that Jeff is away on a mission trip to Guatemala. We miss him around here.

So far, he's missed a lot of snow, frigid temperatures, a sick wife (with not-so-frigid temperatures), a bored son, the cat vomiting (seriously, can it get worse than that?), and a not-so-good ball game. And he's only been gone one night!

Seriously, we miss you Jeff. I am soooooooo sorry I missed your call. I will be taking my phone to the bathroom with me from now on, since that's where I was when you called. You sounded so excited to be at the volcano! I am eager to hear all about what's happening.

You know, when the people we love are away, it makes us realize just how much we love and appreciate them. So Jeff, in case I haven't told you enough (and I am sure I haven't), I really REALLY love you and appreciate you. Can't wait to have you home again!

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