13 years ago this weekend, I awoke to the knowledge that our lives would be forever changed. My water had broken; our baby was on the way.
We didn't know if we were having a girl or a boy. We had wanted to be surprised. The nursery was ready to go, completely stocked for our new addition. We were as ready as two new parents could be. But little did we know what awaited us.
In all of my dreams, I never could have envisioned how AWESOME Bryan would be! He was born at 5:34pm on February 29th, 1996... LEAP DAY! We should have known then how special he was just because of the cool birthday he chose as his arrival. But you just can't prepare for someone like Bryan.
Throughout the years, Bryan has brought me so much joy. It is an honor to be his mom. It's a privilege to watch him grow and to see him becoming a young man. He has made me laugh harder than I ever thought possible. He's embarrassed me more than I ever thought possible (ask me about some of his antics... i have stories to tell!). He has sometimes made me cry more than I thought possible. He has made me swell with pride more than I ever thought possible. He has made me a better person. He has taught me what it means to love sacrificially. He's taught me more about the Love of Christ than I knew before.
Bryan, I can't believe you are a teenager (well, technically 3 1/4 years old). I look at you and see a truly wonderful young man before my eyes. I am so proud of you. I am proud of the person you are, and the man you are becoming. I am proud of your heart, how you care for people. I love your genuine nature and how you are just yourself. I love your warped sense of humor, and how you laugh and make me laugh. I love being your mom. You've had my heart from the time I first knew you existed. I love that we are celebrating this 13th birthday all weekend... YOU ROCK!
Happy 13th Bryan... I love ya!
Watching them grow up is an absolute privalage . Happy B-Day for both you and Jeff .
Had a great day today with our birthday teenager. He just can't be 13 already!!! Love ya, B...
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