June 1st was a big day in our home! Not only was it Jeff's 41st birthday, but it was also Bryan's 8th grade graduation.
We had a small party for Jeff on Saturday with his mom, sister and family. Good food, good times, good Rummy playing (I now am owner of the coveted mouse).
Jeff, It's an honor to grow older (I didn't say old yet!) with you. You are my best friend, my soul mate, my love, my life here on earth. I love celebrating you! I love that we've spent all of these years making memories together, and this weekend, we've added more. I hope that you had a wonderful day, and I am praying this year that God continues to protect you, strengthen you and grow you. I'm more and more proud of the man you are every day. I love you!

Notice the cake is half gone already. He couldn't resist and neither could Jim! This was Jeff's only request for his birthday.. his mom's German Chocolate Cake!

Dang.. he gets better lookin' every day! Happy Birthday Hon!
Next, there was Bryan's 8th grade graduation. I can't begin to tell you how wild it is to think that we have a high schooler now. Are we really old enough for this? In all seriousness, this was a fantastic ceremony, and I couldn't be more proud of Bryan.
Bryan, I want you to know that I love you so much. I am so proud of you. You've worked hard, especially in the past few weeks, and I am so proud of that! I am proud of the man you are growing into, and I am honored that God chose me to be your mom. I can't imagine a son better designed for this family than you! You are my miracle man, and I love you! I cannot believe you are going to high school in the fall, but I would never want to keep you from all that God intends for you to become. I pray that you are rooted in His word, grounded in your faith, confident of His grace in your life, and always a young man of integrity. Congrats to you!! I love ya!

wow.. I love him in nice clothes! I cried when he came out of his room!

Like Father, Like Son...

Proud parents

Papa, Nana, Bryan and me.. and the coveted diploma!

Marching in to Pomp and Circumstance

Dad and Lad....special day for both of them!

newest version of my favorite picture. Some things you just never outgrow or tire of!