Monday, January 14, 2008

I heard this quote in church yesterday:
"God's people can sit at the Father's table and still starve" (A.W. Tozer)

I have pondered that ever since I heard those words. I was struck with the truth therein. I have been guilty of sitting at the Father's table, which is full of nourishment and overflowing with all I need, yet starving spiritually because I chose not to eat. I was a "spiritual dieter" so-to-speak. Yet God wants me to have to good stuff.. the richness of His glory, the fatted calf of His mercy, and the fullness of His grace. There's no such thing as "light portions" at God's table.

Oh God, thank you for your faithfulness to feed me, to quench every thirst, to give me every need so freely. Forgive me for not always taking what you offer, for thinking that I know best what I need. Teach me to be silent before you God, to simply sit and be fed by You. Teach me to savor You God. Teach me to "taste and see that you are good".

Hungry, anyone?

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