Happy Birthday, Bryan! I had a blast celebrating with you today. The party continues tomorrow!
Love, Mom
That is the exact t-shirt that was put on Bryan just minutes after birth. I remember unwrapping his blanket and seeing him in that shirt. He was so tiny, it seemed to swallow him. I remember pulling him tiny little hands from under the sleeves and counting those precious fingers. I remember unwrapping him over and over again just to look at him.
Time flies, and babies grow. My 'baby' turns 12 tomorrow. What a great 12 years it has been! Bryan has brought so much joy and laughter to our lives. There are countless stories that we tell over and over in this house about his humor and antics. There is never a dull day with Bryan, that is for sure!
Sometimes I look at how he is growing, and I get a glimpse of the man he will be. It's really an incredible site to behold. I see more and more of his dad in him every day. He is sensitive and loving like Jeff, a real "people person". Bryan is truly one of the most compassionate people I know. He genuinely cares for others, and I am so proud of that! He's also one of the most fun and hilarious people I know. He has been from the very beginning!
Tomorrow night we will take Bryan out to the restaurant of his choice (family tradition around here for birthdays). On Saturday we have friends and family coming to party in celebration of Bryan's life. Should be a great birthday weekend! Oh... and to give you a little perspective on how he's grown, check this out....
This completely cracked me up when I saw it on tv last night. I have been laughing about it all day long!