6 months ago this past Tuesday, I held my baby girl in my arms for the first time. After years of praying for her, I finally had my hands on her. The feeling was incredible, and words here will never describe it.
Some have asked how our lives have changed in the past 6 months. Well, here are but a few ways:
1. We have to ask for a table of 4 now (I still love the sound of that!)
2. Our house is filled with pink.
3. Baby dolls and their clothes frequently find their way all over the house
4. The sight of a tutu makes me smile.
5. I've learned the characters of Dora the Explorer
6. I sing "Magdalena Hagdalena" and "Ida May" every day.. at least twice each
7. Someone wants me to sing to them every night again (love it!)
8. I get kisses from one more person every day.. many times
9. Whining has returned to the Prosser household (we're working on that one)
10. Hair beads are the cat's favorite toy
11. I find myself gravitating to the little girl's department in every store I go to.
12. Date night is harder to come by, but twice as enjoyable!
13. Childcare is back in the budget
14. Pull ups are back in the budget
15. Goldfish are back in the budget
16. I've become a hairbow snob.. I am very picky about the ones I like!
17. Prayer time at the dinner table is long as Ellie prays for all of her friends at each meal.
18. There is a feeling of contentment in our home, that we are complete.
19. There is never silent moment in our home (really funny since we were told at one point that she was nonverbal)
20. Our hearts are full of love and peace as God has made it clear that she was the perfect child for our family!
21. Bryan shares his parents (and does so with much grace, I must say!)
22. Jeff has learned to do hair.
23. Laundry has increased exponentially (girls really do wear a lot of clothes!)
24. Tights are a source of great joy.
25. Anything that glitters is good.
26. Our eyes are opened to the poverty around the world.
27. We have a burning desire to help put clean water around the globe.
28. Sharing our story is vital to our survival now. we HAVE to tell what God has done.
29. We dance every day.
30. I have a keen awareness that there is still more for us that God has in store.
Ellie, Happy 6 month Anniversary with our family! We love you dearly.
Bryan, Happy 6 month Anniversary as a big brother. You are ROCKING your role! I'm so proud of who you are and the brother you are to Ellie.
Jeff, Happy 6 month anniversary on being a dad to a daughter. You are so tender and sweet with her!!
Ellie has learned so much in the past 6 months. It's amazing to think that just 6 months ago, she knew no English. Now, she is fluent, can count to 15, knows her letters, can write her name, and is starting to work on her colors! God amazes me more and more every day through my children! What a blessing to be their mom!
I love my family!
And this is just the beginning. What a wonderful family you are!!! And we are so honored to be included!!!!
Aren't girls so much fun?!?! :)
P.S. I love your countertop! We have the same one in our kitchen!
I guess we both have good taste, stephanie!! And yes, girls are a blast!! can't wait til you're getting to do it in double time!!
Sweet list coming from a thankful mama heart.
mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted
Happy Anniversary!
we love tights at our house, too! Only on Cora.
And hairbows ARE a big deal. I have some that I don't really care for but use because they're what matches the outfit that day. I personally like the big solid colored ones, but I haven't seen the bowman lately to buy more. Do you make any of your own? If so, please share directions!
Love your list, Holly! (Oh, and I feel ya on the laundry! Boy, do I ever!)
Hi, this was so encouraging to read! I know God's going to bless you tremendously because of your willingness to reach out and share your love to someone that might have lived without a mother's love. I hope this will be a wonderful journey for you and I'm glad to have read this blog. Thank you for sharing and may God bless you and your family! :]
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