- I spend an awful lot of time talking about nothing.
- The only thing I really missed saying in my 'real' voice was "I love you".
- I rarely say anything that is really important.
- I am a much better listener when I can't speak.
- I really enjoy listening.
- God really wants me to listen more and talk less.
- I need to keep my mouth shut more often.
Monday, March 31, 2008
What I learned while keeping my mouth shut
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Going to Extremes

Saturday, March 22, 2008
A letter...

Tomorrow morning we celebrate Easter- the celebration of our Risen Savior, Jesus Christ. He conquered death so that you and I can live with Him forever. Oh how I pray that whoever is caring for you now knows Jesus and is telling you of His goodness and mercy each day! So many times, when there is talk of Easter, you only hear of the easter bunny and easter baskets, easter dresses and even easter eggs. But the real meaning of Easter is a celebration of Jesus who was all man, but all God. He lived a perfect life here on earth, then died a horrible death on a cross as a sacrifice for our sins. There is no greater picture of love than that! I am praying already for the day that you will know Jesus personally and follow after Him.
There are so many things that I look forward to celebrating with you Ellie. There are traditions that we will teach you, and I am sure that we will make new traditions once you are here. But we will never teach you anything as wonderful and as important as the Grace and Mercy of Jesus. He loves you dearly, Ellie. His death was for you too. He knit you together in your birth mother's womb, and He has made you perfectly. His plans for your life are perfect. He is making it possible for you to be with us here someday soon, and we give Him all of the praise for that blessing!
I pray that you are safe. I pray that the celebration of Easter surrounds you even now. I pray that you know you are dearly loved and already missed! We cannot wait to meet you, and we pray it isn't long!
Happy Easter, Ellie!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Adoption Update
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Not Again!

Saturday, March 15, 2008
next on the book list

unChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity...and Why it Matters by David Kinnaman &Gabe Lyons
~ this book is groundbreaking research into how Christians are perceived by 16-29 year olds today. And let me say, it is gut-wrenching. I found myself having to put the book down and get on my knees more times than not while reading this. I was overcome with how pious I must come across to some people. This book has changed me. Really. I think that every person who calls themself a Christ-follower should read this, really soak it in. I would love to hear what you think of it once you read it!

No Ordinary Child: Unlocking the Leader Within Your Child by Denise Mira
~ I agree with the premise of this book: that no child is ordinary, but created in the image of the Almighty. Therefore, we should never accept less than extraordinary from our children. I am on board with that, no doubt. But something about the way this book was written really didn't sit well with me. I got a bad taste in my mouth. I was pretty disappointed given I have been waiting to read this book forEVER. I thought it was judgmental, harsh, and egotistical in its writing. Perhaps it was because I had just read unChristian and felt like the author was saying "Parent my way, or your kids will wind up in hell".(no, that is not a direct quote, but that's how I felt when I was reading). I have to say that the one thing that bothered me the most was the author's insistence that moms should stay at home and never work outside the home. I have many friends who are stay-at-home moms, and I think that's great. I know it means a great deal to them, and they make financial sacrifices to be able to do so. But, because I choose to work outside of our home, I do not believe that I am sinner. I do not believe that any 'problems' or difficulties my children may have are a direct result of my working outside the home. I take pride in my work. I take greater pride in my family. It is possible to raise healthy, respectful, conscientious, and Godly children in a home where both parents work.

Bitterroot Landing by Sheri Reynolds
~ This book is a beautiful tribute to survivors everywhere! I relished every word of this book. I read it in one night, then re-read it the next day. It tells the story of Jael, a girl who was abused, both physically and sexually. But it is not a tragedy. This book is a triumphant fist raised in the air, as the reader gets to watch Jael develop her wings, learn to trust again, and learn to love- others as well as herself! I recommend it to anyone who wants to get lost in a great book! (actually, I recommend ANYTHING by Sheri Reynolds)
Home Sweet Home
Words can't describe how excited I was when I saw him coming down the stretch towards us. I was almost as giddy as I was on our wedding day as I walked down the aisle towards him. seriously! I was excited!
His luggage was not there, but who cares? He is home! (the airport delivered all of his things safe and sound a little while ago). It was great to hear all of his stories all the way home and even more today. I am sure he will be blogging about the trip soon, so make sure and check out his site here.
For now, I am going to hang out with my family. It's so nice to all be together again.
Love you Jeff! and I am SOOOOOOO glad you are home!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Thank God for Moms
Saturday, March 8, 2008
For Jeff...

Monday, March 3, 2008
171-H... that's what you can pray for!
I thought I would give you a quick update on our adoption process. Here's the scoop.
~Our home study is complete.
~The immigration (USCIS) office in Louisville has received our home study.
The contract for adoptions between Vietnam and the US is ending as of September 1, 2008. If they do not renew the contract, there will be no more adoptions from that country at this time. Thus... if we do not have a referral by that date, we are out of luck. (Of course, there is always the possibility that the contract will be renewed without any hitch at all.) Our agency gave us the option of waiting to see what happens or speeding up the process to see if we can get our referral before September 1st. We opted to speed up since we have been praying specifically that our little girl will be here with us this year, and maybe this is God's way of bringing that to fruition. Ya never know! So.. it is of GREATEST importance that we get our immigration approval (171-H form) VERY soon. This is the only thing we are waiting for in order to have all of our paperwork for the dossier to go to Vietnam.
There are many people praying with us about this. I fully expect to find that form in the mailbox this week! I will let you know as soon as I do!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
The Birthday Bash
This is Bryan's cake. I picked this 'design' after he broke his board in two last week. It was a surprise (it was the ONLY surprise since he opened our gifts up early, the little stinker!)
This one is for Uncle Chris. He had to work, so they couldn't be here with us. But he still managed to crack us all up with what he sent to Bryan! (it's a long story) Thanks Chris!!
opening the gifts... lots of fun. lots of cash!
It's pretty obvious what is going on here.
Bryan & Papa... quite a pair!
He might be 12 now, but he still loves his Momma! I love you too Bryan. Hope your birthday was all you hoped for. I can't wait to celebrate every day this year with you!