This past week, we headed to Gatlinburg for a few days with my family. We had a beautiful cabin (thanks, Mom & Dad), did a little shopping and had a blast playing cards. We laughed, swam, shopped, laughed some more.. you get the picture, right?

We got back into town on Saturday, but Jeff was off yesterday as well which is a rare treat. So, Jeff, Bryan and I headed up to Kings Island for some roller coasters. Have you heard that they changed the name of Kings Island? It's now "Jerry Springerville". Seriously... I saw more folks that looked and acted as if they were on the Jerry Springer show than I ever care to see again! But the 3 of us had a great time together.

We rode all of the big rides... well, I didn't ride the Beast since I am not into torture. But I think we hit the rest of them. I think Bryan rode the Vortex 4 times! The weather was perfect... a little cloudy and overcast...so there were hardly any lines! One thing I will say is that I am NEVER getting on Firehawk again. I was still shaking when we left the park last night from that experience! No thanks!!
I love my family. I love spending time together, making memories. We've made a lot of them this week. This is the only life we get, and I want to make it count!
I took the day off today as well to recuperate. Jeff is also off, so we are enjoying a relaxing day at home. They are installing carpet in our media room in the basement as I write this. We will probably paint some trim this afternoon, and I guess I will go to the grocery at some point today. Nothing major though.. just enjoying being at home with my family.
What's the best thing you have done to celebrate your family lately??